Who is Amariya Benson? To be honest,if you would have asked me this question a year ago, I wouldn't have been able to trufully give you an answer. I might of given you the answer that I thought you would want or the answer that you would expect from an average teenage. However that is not who I am. For so long I lived behind a mirror. A mirror that would show the reflection of the people around me. Whether it was the reflection of their style,their actions, or their persona.I would try to hide behind this mirror to try to fit in. However everyone knows that glass is not invencible. This past year I have been working to break and remove every inch of glass that has been added to my mirror and what I found underneth was truly beautful. I found a girl that is smart, beautiful, and kind. A girl who is silly, a girl who is a total book worm, a Disney obsessed girl, a girl that can never stop talking, a girl who loves to swim, a girl who loves kids, a girl who dosen't give up, a sometimes really emotional girl, a girl that loves God, a girl that is still looking for a friend, and a girl that has a heart that never stops loving or thinking about the ones she loves. I am Amariya Benson and this is my story. Glitch